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The Fewsellas.. From the left, we have Maryl, Minne Driver and Uncle Henna's. A nice looking family by the shores of Budgewoi!

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Onto something totally different, overhead Sydney airport on the way home from Moruya. You can see the lbig runways sticking into Botany Bay.

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On short final, runway 11C at Bankstown in the Baron. Gotta love this beast. Cracked the 200kt mark this weekend at 5500 ft.

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Bush bashing through Ourimbah State Forest on the weekend. We stopped for a picnic in the valley, only to be attacked by leeches and giant mosquitoes.. Still.. the chicked was good. line.jpg (727 bytes)

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Everlooking the twin lakes from a ridgetop in the Forest.

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W e e k   2 ,   A p r i l   2 5   1 9 9 9
M o r e   P h o t o s  -  C l i c k  H E R E

F o r   P r e v i o u s   P h o t o ' s . .   v i s i t    t h e   A r c h i v e