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Here's my mug, at the bottom of Front Valley at Perisher. This was the fine and sunny Sunday morning, before the clouds rolled in and the snow started falling.

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You can see the cover on Front Valley is not too bad, but now they've had over 50cm of new snow, plus they've been making snow for 72 hours continously, getting ready for a top weekend in two weeks for the Andoworld Team!

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From the top of Mitchell T-Bar.. the one and only run open last weekend. But at least it was FREE! I skiied it as many times as I could.. and then the snow rolled in. Most of the valley ended up white by the end of the day!

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Some dudes carving up the turns on Front Valley. line.jpg (727 bytes)

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And this is Thredbo! Looking pretty damn well covered after this weeks snow falls. The Andoworld team will be sending you live snaps from Thredbo next weekend, so stay tuned!

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W e e k  6 ,  J u n e  1 7

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