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A hh.. you say. Looks like a driveway. Correct!! This is the entrance to Oatlands House, site of the Andoworld Wedding reception on December 18, 1999. Stay Tuned!

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Oatlands House - Built in the early 1800's for a former Governor of the colony, beautifully restored with immaculate gardens.. ready for the Andoworld Wedding, 99.

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Inside the lobby of the house.. a nice area to mill around waiting for the Ando's to arrive..

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Inside the Rose-Suite.. where the reception will actually be held. There are enough seats for 120 guests.. so be nice to us between now and then if you wanna be on the "exclusive" list!.. Just kidding. line.jpg (727 bytes)

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Just a small sample of the gardens that surround the house. We'll probably have our photo's here, whilst everybody is getting acquainted after the ceremony.

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The circular Driveway of Glenbrook Church, a suggested venue for the reception. This church is really quite cool, with very interesting architecture and a full restored Antique pipe organ big enough for the Opera House.

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