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No Caribbean trip would be complete without a sunset.. Do I need to explain it?

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Sunday 23 August - Up at 8.00am to hit the golf course. After aligning ourselves with the dress regulations and getting our cart sorted.. we set off. It was already damn hot at that time, so it didn't take time to work up a sweat.. read on fans.

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WATER HAZARD! - Well, I think we managed to go through about 10 balls on this round. Most of em went in the water that was all over the place. Jack Nicklaus designed this course.. and he must have envisioned starting his own brand of golf balls, cause we bought about 3 packs of the buggers.. Here's Abe, about to lose another ball to the water..

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Speaking of water.. it was on this hole, that Abe's ball bounced OFF the water and on to the fairway on the other side.. whilst my first shot ended up slicing straight up the middle and didn't bounce out. I made ammends though.. I was only 30 something over for the round.. hmmm

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The champs are in - the competition was tough, but in this case, old age and experience didn't come through. Maybe those days at the driving range made a difference..

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Finally.. we made it to the 18th. We lost about 10 balls, found 2, had about 7 cans of drink from the drinks cart, had a dude bring cold towels round to us and basically fried our butts off, but we finished off a dandy morning on the course with a lunch in the clubhouse overlooking the lake.

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Week 6, August 18 - 25, 1998

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