The 2000 Edition of Andoworld is here! You better sign the GUESTBOOK !! If you don't.. I'll be very upset. So please, tell me what you think about the site and the photo's from this week and I'll get back to you! W h a t s N e w :
The whole damn site! Yeah we're working on the site and getting it smooth
for the year, so bear with me while we try out some new tricks.. |
1 3 t h J U L Y 2 0 0 0 - Today, I'm in Lake Tahoe right on the northern border of California and Nevada. This is an amazing place. Check it out in the Photos. Keep your eyes on andoworld this week kids, cause there's gunna be some action a-plenty comin your way!
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: is coming! We've designed the templates for the feature cars, decided on the sections we're going to have, and started work on the backend. We'll be feature custom pages designed around you and the features you want, a HUGE classifieds sections for all your rotor's and accessories worldwide.. We'd like to hear from you, so check-out the test site and sign our guestbook with your suggestions!! Hopefully we'll have the first issue on the web by the end of July! We need your help, your input and your ideas to get this site off the ground, so take a look and let us know. You can always email us at