This where
you can check out past editions, photo's and some of my favourite Links that may or may
not be of any use to you. Check out the section under "1998
Updates" for Ando's previous Website and use the archive feature built into that
website for all of my previous photo's and web pages.
For Special Editions, such as big trips
away, take a look at the SPECIAL EDITIONS section for
those links.. especially you BRAD!
Don't forget to sign the GUESTBOOK!
You can also view my On-Line RESUME, and
download the latest hardcopy.
sure you check out the Andoworld Collection, a Gallery of the
best photo's taken all year, updated every 2 weeks.
0 0 0 U p d a t e s :
6 2000 - 2000 Website is launched.
March 20 2000 - USA Trip, Day 1
March 21 2000 - USA Trip, Day 2
March 22 2000 - USA Trip, Day 3
March 23 2000 - USA Trip, Day 4
March 24 2000 - USA Trip, Day 5
March 25 2000 - USA Trip, Day 6
April 1st 2000 - USA Trip, Day 7
April 19 2000 - Ando in Japan!
June 10 2000 - Ando goes skydiving
9 9 9 U p d a t e s :
1999 Website - The original 1999 Site.
1999 Updates are available through the 99 website or by the links below:
18 1999 - The RX-7 Turns Gold
July 12 1999
- RX7 complete pics!
June 21 1999 -
Jamboree QLD
June 17 1999 -
Ski Seasonn 99 is Open!
June 3rd 1999 -
In the Air to Moruya
May 17 1999 -
Refer to Port Douglas 1999
May 1st 1999
- Skippy and Friends
April 25 1999
- Anzac Weekend
March 15 1999
- Andoworld 99 Premiere (LHI)
9 9 8 U p d a t e s :
1998 Website - The original 1998 Site.
1998 Updates are available through the 99 website or by the links below:
November 20 1998 - Wedding
October 18 1998 - Life in Aus!
September 17 1998 - Ando Go Home!
September 12 1998 -
Miami Aviation
September 7 1998 - Flying to
August 30 1998 -
Sailing and 4wd'ng
August 25 1998 - Grand Cayman
August 17 1998 - Nantucket Aviation
August 10 1998 - Deer at the beach
August 3 1998 - Airborne Photo's
July 20 1998 - At the beach
H o m e P a g e s
Kane's Home Page
The Hitman
The Motley Fool
B a n k s
Foreign Exchange Rates
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
Omnipoint SMS
Mountain SMS
If you would like to add a link, please send an email
to ando@andoworld.com |


Do you remember Andoworld of 97? So much work,
yet no-one looked at it. Well, just in case you missed out on it, let's take you back to
where you can catch all the action from 1997. Please Note however, my skills at web pages
were not as finely honed back then, so I take no responsibility as to how crappy it might
look. This site includes all the archives from 1997.. although some are dead links now.
Simply click the link below and you're there.
Hope to see you make it back to 1998!

always, it's great to get your feedback, so shoot me an email at ando@e-networks.com.au .
S p e c i a
l E d i t i o n s :
The Grand Cayman Trip
Port Douglas Trip 1999
M o v i e s
Sony Theatres
Greater Union
T r a v e l
Flifo Travel
The Weather Channel
G a m e s
Flightsim 98
U t i l i t i e s
Oh, and sign the damn GUESTBOOK