week's photos come from Kane and my trip to the good old US of A. More
shots from Viva Las Vegas tonight!

Looking down the entrance of Caesars Palace.

Standing in the driveway of Caesars Palace after taking a beating at the
hands of our blackjack dealars!


sure you click on the photo to download the enlarged version. These
thumbnails can be tough to view the whole picture in detail, so be sure to
click for the full size! They are formatted to keep the file size low for
quick loading!

Breakfast at Harrah's Casino Buffet after spending all night at Blackjack.

At the tables in the Stratosphere Casino.. Did all-right here!

Up the tower of the Stratosphere Casino
looking down to the strip! 109 stories high!!


The Bellagio again!

Here's where we stayed.. the Showboat!