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The boys got a ride in the cockpit of the 737 enroute Brisbane to Cairns. Thanks to Captain MICHAEL Taylor for the look..

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Who's this? This is one of the friendly crew as we leave the dock on our way out to the Outer Reef on HABA.. our boat. Great food, great crew and company..

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Hey man.. here's me and Uncle Bradfordian.. We're all geared up ready to hit the reef and find us some fishies..

Yes.. That's you Brad. A great lookin snap of him getting ready for action on the reef. Ahh how long since you dived last? Was that this decade or last?? line.jpg (727 bytes)

Here's the team all buggered after a hard days yakka on the HABA. Belinda didn't quite make it below 1m.. but we all had fun!!

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