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G e t  I E 4.0  T o d a y   t o 
e x p e r i e n c e  t h e  f u l l 
b e n e f i t s  o f  t h i s   w e b s i t e . 
C h a n n e l s  h a v e  a r r i v e d !

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T h e  g o o d  o l d  f l a g  i s
b a c k.. b u t  y o u r  m i s s i n g
o u t  o n  t h e  b e n e f i t s  o f  I. E  4.0

right.gif (104 bytes) N e w s
right.gif (104 bytes) W e a t h e r
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  A r c h i v e
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  C a m e r a
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  B i k e

right.gif (104 bytes) C o m m e n t
right.gif (104 bytes) M o v i e s
right.gif (104 bytes) M u s i c
right.gif (104 bytes) C a l i f o r n i a
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R e a l i t y  21
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  M e
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  A l e x
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Monday 6 October 1997. Summer's back! 88F, sunny and humid.

right.gif (104 bytes) Ando's Comment
Well, I went flying yesterday to get all checked out in a Turbo Saratoga.. an aircraft with grunt! Flew up to Stewart AFB and did some touch and go action, then headed back to Teterboro. No. 5 for Rwy 19, had to hold outside airspace.

T o d a y ' s  I m a g e rightw.gif (78 bytes)

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Click Here for a photo of me and my honey...

That's Right!! Mrs Alexandra Anderson will be official sometime in 1999.

Email Me
Email Alex

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rightw.gif (78 bytes) Today's Headlines updated hourly from   NBC and Real Audio. Download Real Player 4.0 If you don't have it yet.

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 upw.gif (104 bytes) T o d a y ' s  I m a g e 

Make sure you check out Emunet's Home page and then email me so I know what needs to be done. We gotta get going soon and this is our ticket in.

I have a new email address too..
and you can send email here from now on.

Plus - don't forget to check out The-Edge. Full Review later this week.

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Visit Sony's Website for info on the camera that took the pictures for this website.

Visit Cannondale's Website and check out Ando's Bike, the SV900 Full Suspension Off-Road bike.

T h e  M u s i c

1. Available in Real Audio format. You get faster response but you may lose some of the quality. Stereo Optimized for 28.8 or higher.

2. Here you can listen in MPEG3 format. A new high quality format which allows you to encode music tracks directly off CD's. Here you will need to wait for the entire file to download and make sure your Wav or Media Player is enabled.

rightw.gif (78 bytes) Back to Top

T h e  M o v i e

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 rightw.gif (78 bytes) Not too Foul.. This movie stars a few aussie actors including Russell Crowe and they manage to pull off a decent experience in the theatre. Keep your eyes out for this one when it comes out. R rated. ***

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Snow Reports for Lake Placid USA
coming soon. And I'll be there

T h e  A r c h i v e
Ando's website pages since the day it first started on July 9, 1997.

P r e v i o u s   M o n t h ' s
July - The beginning days - a bit rough
August - Expedition Edition

T h i s  M o n t h ' s  A r c h i v e
September 2 - Atlantic City Pics
September 3 - Flight Sim is in town
September 5 - Ando leaves for home
September 15 - Ando Returns!
September 17 - Aussie Photo's
September 18 - Sunsets over the Hudson
September 19 - Weekend Edition
September 20 - Boring Weekend
September 23 - A bit late
September 26 - Weekend Edition
September 29 - Wedding Photos 1
September 30 - More Wedding Action
October 1 - Sunsets and Leo
October 3 - Movie review Weekend

The Expedition Edition

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Click here for the full action of my Californian Expedition. Mountains, scenery, cute girls, the lot..

Kanes Home Page | The Gallery | Reality 21
Email Me | Email Her

© Reality Twenty One Pty Ltd - Michael Anderson

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upw.gif (104 bytes) T o d a y ' s  I m a g e 

In and Out..hmmm don't know if I liked this one. It was damn funny, let there be no mistake about that, but there are some disturbing scenes for a guy who is as straight as an arrow. Kevin Kline makes a good character and Tom Selleck fills  in as a great supporting character, but sheesh.. whatch out for the ending boys! PG Rated.