e w s
W e a t h e r
F l y T o d a y
T h e A r c h i v e
T h e C a m e r a
T h e B i k e
C o m m
e n t
M o v i e s
M u s i c
C a l i f o r n i a
R e a l i t y 21
K a n e 's P a g e
E m a i l M
E m a i l A l e
Ando's Resume
Ando's Aussie
More Links Soon! |
Thursday 18 Septemer 1997. 'Nother Beautiful Day..
fine and sunny 78F
Ando's Comment
Sorry Kids.. I Know that some of the photo's are the same today, but I've been
working on the Resume all day, so make sure you check it out and send me some mail to let
me know what you think. I'll have something a little better for you tommorrow, and maybe
next week too..
T o d a y ' s I m a g e 

Click Here for
a nice photo.
That's Right!! Mrs Alexandra
Anderson will be official sometime in 1999. So leave your calendars free for the event of
the year!! Now to the photo's here.. the cockpit of Lady Claire... this is where I do all
my business from. Love it.
Email me
Email Alex
T o d a y ' s I m
a g e  |

landing.jpg |

Today's Headlines updated hourly
from NBC and Real Audio. Download Real Player 4.0 If you don't have it yet.


T o d a y '
s I m a g e
Aaahhh.. another of the
sunset photo's. It's damn good stuff when your up there.. above the clouds.. where the air
seems so much clearer and the stress of your earth bound life seems to slip away. Come fly
with me one day..
Send me your comments on this stuff via email.

Visit Sony's Website for info on the camera that took the pictures for this
Visit Cannondale's Website and check out Ando's Bike, the SV900 Full
Suspension Off-Road bike. |
T h e M u s i c
1. Available in Real
Audio format. You get faster response but you may lose some of the quality. Stereo
Optimized for 28.8 or higher.

2. Here you can listen in MPEG3
format. A new high quality format which allows you to encode music tracks directly off
CD's. Here you will need to wait for the entire file to download and make sure your Wav or
Media Player is enabled.

to Top
T h e M o v i

Not too foul a movie!. A long portrayal of a 1930's gangster struggle in the Uptown areas
of New York City, mainly in Harlem over the control of the "Numbers", an illegal
lottery during the Depression. Plenty of violence and bloodshed, but a generally
predictable storyline. As one of the dudes in the audience said.. "Damn this shit is
long!". Check out their website at: http://www.hoodlumonline.com
Stay tuned for THE GAME coming

Snow Reports for Thredbo and
Perisher Blue Updated Daily.
Perisher Blue
T h e A r c h i v e
Ando's website pages since the
day it first started on July 9, 1997.
15 - The first archived Index.
July 16 - I think I added the MIB Link Today.
July 17 - I got the real video and the MIB Trailer..
July 18 - The weekend Edition - Me being silly here.
July 19-20 - The weekends can't be done.
July 21 - I forgot to save it.. sorry.
July 22 - I was in DC.. no homepage for that day.
July 23 - Oops.. forgot to save
July 24 - Part II. This one you'll get to see
July 25 - The beginning of a crappy weekend.
July 29 - After the weekend Great Photo's Today
July 30 - More sexy photo's. A quiet day at work.
July 31 - Thredbo Tradegy and the FedEx crash.
August 1 - Weekend Edition, Ando being silly
August 4 - Long Island Edition Part 1
August 6 -
Long Island Edition Part 2
August 7 - Home Edition, Ando Moves in!!
August 8 -
Home Edition Part II,
August 12 - Expedition Edition Part 1.
August 13 - Expedition Edition Part II.
August 14 - I don't remember
August 15 - Still can't remember..
August 18 - Weekend Edition..
August 19 - More photos of me and Joe being silly.
22 - Reworked the site - Helen's B'Day
August 28 -
The first of the Gulfstream Pic's!!
August 31 - More Gulfstream Pics
September 2 -
Atlantic City Pics
September 3 - Flight sim Hits town.
September 5 - Ando leaves for home
September 15 - Ando returns!
September 16 - More Aussie Photo's
September 17 - Still more Aussie's
T h
e E x p e d i t i o n E d i t i o n

Click Here for the
photo's of Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada Mountains taken on my Journey to
California with Uncle Bradfordian.
Home Page | The Gallery |
Email Me | Email Her
© Reality Twenty One Pty
Ltd - Michael Anderson |
T o d a y ' s I m a g e
Aussie Adventure (AAA)
Well here they all are. The
in-laws from left to right... Dad (Mr McKeon), Vanessa, Mum (Mrs McKeon), Alexandra (my
baby), Melissa, Me, Pete (small guy..), Craig (the pressure's on buddy..), Nick and good
old Bob Bender (Uncle Bob). Oh and don't forget Mum;s 50th birthday cake proudly made by
Vanessa and Alex. |