
Ie_anim.gif (14871 bytes)
G e t  I E 4.0  T o d a y   t o 
e x p e r i e n c e  t h e  f u l l 
b e n e f i t s  o f  t h i s   w e b s i t e . 
N e t s c a p e  w i l l  n o t  c u t  i t .

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s p o n s o r .  C l i c k  h e r e  t o
c h e c k  o u t  R e g i s t e r - I t !
T h e y  w i l l  l o o k  a f t e r  Y o u .

right.gif (104 bytes) N e w s
right.gif (104 bytes) W e a t h e r
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  A r c h i v e
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  C a m e r a
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  B i k e

right.gif (104 bytes) C o m m e n t
right.gif (104 bytes) M o v i e s 
right.gif (104 bytes) M u s i c
right.gif (104 bytes) C a l i f o r n i a
right.gif (104 bytes)
R e a l i t y  21
right.gif (104 bytes) K a n e 's   P a g e
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  M e
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  A l e x


right.gif (104 bytes) N i c k 's  P i c s

More Links Soon!

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Tuesday - 2 August 1997.

right.gif (104 bytes) Ando's Comment only available in IE 4.0

Nick has arrived in New York City.. and you got it.. he's already hooking himself up with the local females. Here's a photo of us being silly in the Lifts..

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WEEKEND EDTION - Ando and Nick return from Atlantic City, poor, tired and determined not become gamblers.. well for a week at least!
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Well this is the boys.. cruising the streets of Atlantic City.. looking for a Casino to relieve of their cash at the Chocolate Wheel.. I guess it wasn't to be. We don't need a map here.. just follow the buses to the Casino's .. and then get out your wallet!

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rightw.gif (78 bytes) Today's Headlines updated hourly from   NBC and Real Audio. Download Real Player 4.0 If you don't have it yet.

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Pretty Damn Schwanky

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Well.. I found it! After surfing the web for 2 days in search of the Gulfstream IV-SP for FlightSim 95.. here it is! The paintjob is a little different, but it's the same model as the real thing. After studying the flight manual for a while, figuring out speeds and procedures.. I landed that sucker at Teterboro on the 06 ILS at 146 Kts. I'll get my hours up.. I wonder if they will count in my logbook?? Guess not. Back to the Bonanza I s'pose.


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Visit Sony's Website for info on the camera that took the pictures for this website.

Visit Cannondale's Website and check out Ando's Bike, the SV900 Full Suspension Off-Road bike.

T h e  M u s i c

1. Available in Real Audio format. You get faster response but you may lose some of the quality. Stereo Optimized for 28.8 or higher. You do not need to wait for the entire file to download. This may not work yet so hang on till it does.

2. Here you can listen in MPEG3 format. A new high quality format which allows you to encode music tracks directly off CD's. Here you will need to wait for the entire file to download and make sure your Wav or Media Player is enabled. I'm still working on it for August unfortunately..so for the moment, I have kept last month's theme from The Saint.

rightw.gif (78 bytes) Back to Top

T h e  M o v i e

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 rightw.gif (78 bytes) AAAAHHHHH!!.. This movie is not for the faint hearted. As a matter of fact it's down right gruesome, scary as Hell and is not at all what you'd expect from the preview. Some great sounds and special effects, but SHEESH.. take a spare pair of Undies and don't sleep alone at night. If you've got the nads, go check out their Web Site at http://www.eventhorizonmovie.com

T h e  A r c h i v e
Ando's website pages since the day it first started on July 9, 1997.

July 15 - The first archived Index.
July 16 - I think I added the MIB Link Today.
July 17 - I got the real video and the MIB Trailer..
July 18 - The weekend Edition - Me being silly here.
July 19-20 - The weekends can't be done.
July 21 - I forgot to save it.. sorry.
July 22 - I was in DC.. no homepage for that day.
July 23
- Oops.. forgot to save
July 24 - Part II. This one you'll get to see
July 25 - The beginning of a crappy weekend.
July 29 - After the weekend Great Photo's Today
July 30 - More sexy photo's. A quiet day at work.
July 31 - Thredbo Tradegy and the FedEx crash.
August 1 - Weekend Edition, Ando being silly
August 4 - Long Island Edition Part 1
August 6 - Long Island Edition Part 2
August 7 - Home Edition, Ando Moves in!!
August 8 - Home Edition Part II,
August 12 - Expedition Edition Part 1.
August 13 - Expedition Edition Part II.
August 14 - I don't remember
August 15 - Still can't remember..
August 18 - Weekend Edition..
August 19 - More photos of me and Joe being silly.

August 22
- Reworked the site - Helen's B'Day
August 28 - The first of the Gulfstream Pic's!!
August 31 - More Gulfstream Pics

T h e  E x p e d i t i o n  E d i t i o n

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Click Here for the photo's of Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada Mountains taken on my Journey to California with Uncle Bradfordian.

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© Reality Twenty One Pty Ltd - Michael Anderson

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N i c k s  A d v e n t u r e

Well... we hit the big town hard.. and it hit us back harder. After losing our money to the big casino's we left town to the tune of some good old 80's rock and roll..This place is like a small version of Las Vegas.. not that I've been there.. but there's just a town full of casino's and tour buses. Stay tuned for more photo's of Nicks Adventure tommorrow.