e w s W e a t h e r T h e A r c h i v e T h e C a m e r a T h e B i k e C o m m e n t M o v i e s M u s i c C a l i f o r n i a R e a l i t y 21 K a n e 's P a g e E m a i l M e E m a i l A l e x More Links Soon! |
Friday - 29 August 1997 - 1000 HRS 75F Started out nice and has come over cloudy. Ando's Comment only available in IE 4.0 Nick has arrived in New York
City.. and you got it.. he's already hooking himself up with the local females. Here's a
photo of us being silly in the Lifts.. |
T o d a y ' s I m a g e Well as you can see we made it safely to Atlanta.. was there ever any doubt?? Our first snap is taken about 3 seconds before touchdown on runway 20L at Atlanta's Peachtree Airport. We were vectored in by the controller with a southern accent, and we flew the ILS approach on Autopilot, switching to manual at about 700 Ft. Landing was smooth as you'd expect from the pro's and given the obstacles at the end of the runway, a nice hard braking thrust to slow us down. Plenty of Bonanza's down here too.. The next shot is simply taxiing to the ramp at Air BP.. Service station style. T o d a y ' s I m a g e
land.jpg drivers.jpg |
P D S |
T o d a y ' s I m a g e So here's the Gang.. from your left we have ... ahh that'd be ME!!, Karyn, Dan and Tim. All Pilots, every single one of us. The CEO has already made a haty getaway after we landed, believe me these guys know how to run a smoothly oiled operation. We are parked here at Atlanta's Peachtree Airport somewhere out in the sticks on Thursday arvo.. stinking hot and humid too here in the South. This is the AIR BP ramp.. looks more like a service station.. except bigger.
Visit Sony's Website for info on the camera that took the pictures for this website. Visit Cannondale's Website and check out Ando's Bike, the SV900 Full Suspension Off-Road bike. |
1. Available in Real Audio format. You get faster response but you may lose some of the quality. Stereo Optimized for 28.8 or higher. You do not need to wait for the entire file to download. This may not work yet so hang on till it does.
2. Here you can listen in MPEG3 format. A new high quality format which allows you to encode music tracks directly off CD's. Here you will need to wait for the entire file to download and make sure your Wav or Media Player is enabled. I'm still working on it for August unfortunately..so for the moment, I have kept last month's theme from The Saint. AAAAHHHHH!!.. This movie is not for the faint hearted. As a matter of fact it's down right gruesome, scary as Hell and is not at all what you'd expect from the preview. Some great sounds and special effects, but SHEESH.. take a spare pair of Undies and don't sleep alone at night. If you've got the nads, go check out their Web Site at http://www.eventhorizonmovie.com |
T h e A r c h i v e July
15 - The first archived Index. T h e E x p e d i t i o n E d i t i o n
Home Page | The Gallery | © Reality Twenty One Pty Ltd - Michael Anderson |
T o d a y ' s I m a g e So the first picture here is the gulfstream on the tarmac at Stewart Airport New Yorks State. As you can see, it's a dman fine looking piece of aviation hardware, with more computing power inside it than all the PC's at Amex. Not to mention some very nice luxuries. N i c k s A d v e n t u r e Next we have good old Nick, getting out and hitting the town in style as he compares himself to Lady Liberty. There really is no contest though, I think she wins hands down. There will be more pictures of Nicks' travels tommorrow so stay tuned!! |