newnyc.gif (5173 bytes)t

Ie_anim.gif (14871 bytes)
G e t  I E 4.0  T o d a y   t o 
e x p e r i e n c e  t h e  f u l l 
b e n e f i t s  o f  t h i s   w e b s i t e . 
C h a n n e l s  h a v e  a r r i v e d !

Flag.gif (20860 bytes)
T h e  g o o d  o l d  f l a g  i s
b a c k.. b u t  y o u r  m i s s i n g
o u t  o n  t h e  b e n e f i t s  o f  I. E  4.0

right.gif (104 bytes) N e w s
right.gif (104 bytes) W e a t h e r
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  A r c h i v e
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  C a m e r a
right.gif (104 bytes) T h e  B i k e

right.gif (104 bytes) C o m m e n t
right.gif (104 bytes) M o v i e s
right.gif (104 bytes) M u s i c
right.gif (104 bytes) C a l i f o r n i a
right.gif (104 bytes)
R e a l i t y  21
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  M e
right.gif (104 bytes) E m a i l  A l e x
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right.gif (104 bytes) R e s u m ebullet2.gif (3167 bytes)

right.gif (104 bytes) is a website dedicated to Latin Music. It is currently the most popular latin music website on the Net..

weather1.gif (4784 bytes)
Thursday 9 October 1997.  Cloudy and hazy. 76F

right.gif (104 bytes) Ando's Comment
And today, we introduce a new section in my Ando's website! Ando's Lunch. This culinary expose shows what sensational dietary cuisine I am indulging in here in the US of A. If you have any special requests.. email me!

T o d a y ' s  I m a g e rightw.gif (78 bytes)

marryme.gif (22719 bytes)
Click Here for a photo of me and my honey...

Email Me
Email Alex



rightw.gif (78 bytes) Today's Lunch

anglehouse.jpg (26356 bytes)
garage.jpg (20785 bytes)

rightw.gif (78 bytes) Today's Headlines updated hourly from   NBC and Real Audio. Download Real Player 4.0 If you don't have it yet.

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lunch1.jpg (20772 bytes)

 upw.gif (104 bytes) T o d a y ' s  I m a g e 

Pasta... salad and a bread roll. All washed down with an Apple juice and followed by a large piece of chocolate cake. All for $6.88. Gotta love it.

I have a new email address too..
and you can send email here from now on.


Sonycam.gif (5142 bytes)
canbutt.gif (6425 bytes)

Visit Sony's Website for info on the camera that took the pictures for this website.

Visit Cannondale's Website and check out Ando's Bike, the SV900 Full Suspension Off-Road bike.

shestheone.jpg (23651 bytes)
rightw.gif (78 bytes) My Universe

This is the girl I'm going to marry in 1999. She is my inspiration for a new webpage on this site, coming later this week dedicated to her, and our upcoming lives together..Stay Tuned!!

rightw.gif (78 bytes) Back to Top

T h e  M o v i e

uturn.jpg (25962 bytes) rightw.gif (78 bytes) UTurn - Tonights movie. Watch this space tommorrow for a full review. In the meantime, check out their website at:

reprttop.gif (2991 bytes)
Snow Reports for Lake Placid USA
coming soon. And I'll be there

T h e  A r c h i v e
Ando's website pages since the day it first started on July 9, 1997.

P r e v i o u s   M o n t h ' s
July - The beginning days - a bit rough
August - Expedition Edition

T h i s  M o n t h ' s  A r c h i v e
September 2 - Atlantic City Pics
September 3 - Flight Sim is in town
September 5 - Ando leaves for home
September 15 - Ando Returns!
September 17 - Aussie Photo's
September 18 - Sunsets over the Hudson
September 19 - Weekend Edition
September 20 - Boring Weekend
September 23 - A bit late
September 26 - Weekend Edition
September 29 - Wedding Photos 1
September 30 - More Wedding Action
October 1 - Sunsets and Leo
October 3 - Movie review Weekend
October 6 - Ando's Channel Hits town
October 7 - Joes New place.


The Expedition Edition

wpe15.gif (6259 bytes)
Click here for the full action of my Californian Expedition. Mountains, scenery, cute girls, the lot..

Kanes Home Page | The Gallery | Reality 21
Email Me | Email Her

© Reality Twenty One Pty Ltd - Michael Anderson

rayarm.jpg (17155 bytes)

upw.gif (104 bytes) T o d a y ' s  I m a g e 

Raymond had a little accident with his runaway pen today, so now Cathy is faced with a Challenge from Ando: Have it in pristine white condition by next Thursday. Failure to meet this challenge will result in Ray bringing Ando a home made lunch next Friday... Of course.. we could send it to Australia to give it to Alex's mum to have a go.